DSA-LA Censures Councilmember Nithya Raman, Maintains Endorsement

 Letter of Censure – Nithya Raman

DSA-LA organized a vote on whether to maintain endorsement, rescind endorsement, or censure DSA member and CD4 Councilmember Nithya Raman due to her pursuit and acceptance of an endorsement from “Democrats for Israel – Los Angeles” (“DFI-LA”). Members ultimately decided to uphold the endorsement and censure Councilmember Raman. Despite Councilmember Raman accepting and promoting the endorsement of DFI-LA, she has called for a permanent ceasefire and has acknowledged the violence and death suffered by Palestinians in council chambers.

DFI-LA is a Democratic Party Club whose unconditional support for Israel and the violence Israel commits directly opposes DSA-LA’s commitment to Palestinian liberation. DFI-LA knows Councilmember Raman supports a ceasefire, which is contrary to their own positions and we see their endorsement as an attempt at dividing the broader movement for a permanent ceasefire.

We know that the real opposition to workers in Los Angeles and in Palestine are far right forces fighting to break our solidarity. The Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL), which organizes LAPD training from Israel’s apartheid regime, has spent more than half a million dollars to push Councilmember Raman out of office. Working people in CD4 need a councilmember who serves at the pleasure of the workers, not slumlords and cops.

DSA-LA Steering is grateful to all members for their thoughtful and disciplined organizing in this deliberative period. It is a privilege to lead a chapter full of dedicated organizers who care deeply about Palestinian liberation and Los Angeles’ working class. Every member who organized a petition, spoke at our chapter meeting, and shared feedback with leadership made this decision possible.

Solidarity Forever,

The 2024 DSA-LA Steering Committee