Chapter Structure

To learn more about the specific bodies represented in the chart above, check out the links below:

Official Bodies


Our membership is our highest local decision-making body. Any member in good standing is able to vote to elect our chapter’s officers as well as vote on other important decisions. No local body can override the will of the membership. Click here to learn about joining DSA!

Steering Committee

Steering Committee is the highest elected body in the chapter. It has 9 members who are elected annually. It includes the chapter Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, Campaigns Coordinator, and 5 at-large members. Click here for a list of the current members of Steering Committee.


Branches are geographic bodies that allow members to organize and participate in campaigns where they live. Every member is part of a branch by default, depending on where they live. Click here to learn more about branches.


Committees are bodies that focus on specific areas of work or policy in the local. Click here for a full list of committees. Click here for a list of the current members of committee leadership.


Our chapter has an elected YDSA coordinator who helps to build close ties between DSA-LA and YDSA chapters in the area. Click here to learn more.

Unofficial Bodies


Caucus is a term used in DSA to refer to self-selecting groups of members who choose to privately organize to promote an agreed-upon cause. In some cases, caucuses may establish relationships with the chapter in order to receive resources. Click here to learn more about caucuses.