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From ongoing canvassing conversations in our communities and available statistics, we know that a lack of affordable childcare is a paramount concern for working families in Los Angeles. Childcare costs in LA often surpass housing as the largest monthly expense for households with young children. Currently, families struggle to navigate unaffordable private care and a labyrinth of underfunded public subsidies and means-tested programs. While families struggle to pay these exorbitant fees, childcare workers are stuck in substandard working conditions and paid, on average, $23,760 annually. 

Families, workers, and kids need universal childcare!  

New and long-time socialists are invited to this teach-in where we’ll discuss the current realities of the childcare landscape in Los Angeles—including testimony from childcare workers and parents on the impossible choices they face. We’ll map out what forms of childcare are (and are not) available in Los Angeles County, we’ll discuss why means-tested federal childcare programs often leave out working poor Angelinos, and what winning a universal childcare program could mean for families, childcare workers, and organized socialists. 

Join this teach-in to learn more about why Childcare For All is a critical campaign for socialists to support as part of a larger agenda for full reproductive justice, and to commit to the organizing work this  victory will require between electoral cycles! ✊ 

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