The Politics of Removal: Displacement from Los Angeles to Palestine 

More information on our forthcoming study series “The Politics of Removal: Displacement from Los Angeles to Palestine” is coming soon – projected kick-off in late August. 


Political Education Committee’s Study Series Archive:

We periodically revisit past study series curricula in Night School formats, and previous readers are freely available and linked below. 

Imperialism Study Series (2024 Reader)

Building on concepts introduced in the Class on Class, this series examines the relationship between imperialism and capitalism as articulated by leftists thinkers from the 19th century through today. Across installments, this series is designed to highlight the deep and varied theories on the left and create a space for open, healthy discussion. [Archived 2019 reader here]


A Study Series on Black Leftist Thought (2022) (Reader Forthcoming)

This series introduces attendees to the writings, speeches, and perspectives of Black leftists through most of the twentieth century. Through original sources in writing, audio, and video, we will trace back the history of discourses introduced and developed by Black socialists, all of which have profound impact on our political landscape today.


Lost Angles: Piecing Together a Socialist LA (2020, 2021)

This series takes a look at many of the often overlooked pieces of Los Angeles’ socialist past, present, and future exploring the development of the freeway system, the radical communities of the 20s and 30s, Hollywood’s connection to the CPUSA and the Red Scare, LA’s Third World Left movements, and the campaign for the San Fernando Valley to secede from LA at the turn of the 21st Century. Through these local struggles, we seek to connect with the place where we live and engage with the past as a way to guide our current work together.


Class on Class (2018, 2019, 2020)

This study series examines a selection of foundational concepts and inquiries, with the goal of more deeply grounding our collective struggle in rigorous socialist analysis.


Socialism & Electoralism Night School Series (2019-2020)

A series of informal Night Schools designed to complement DSA’s local and national commitments to Bernie’s campaign and  engage with this candidacy within the broader context of socialist strategies and perspectives on electoral politics.


Unemployment Councils in Los Angeles (2020)

This curated selection of  historical writings served to ground strategic political discussion during the height of mass unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic. This reader includes excerpts from Robin D. G. Kelley’s Hammer and Hoe, Piven & Cloward’s Poor People’s Movements, CPUSA’s “Fighting Methods and Organization Forms of the Unemployed Councils,” and more.