Table 1.25 of the Los Angeles Housing Element, published by the Los Angeles Department of City Planning.

DSA-LA’s “Power to the Tenants ” Priority Campaign

Campaign Summary + Demands

Housing is one of our most fundamental needs and should not be a commodity. The rising cost of housing in Los Angeles leads to displacement, makes it harder for workers to live close to where they work, and reduces the political power of workers.

Our campaign is fighting back. We seek to help tenants organize themselves, encouraging participation in tenants unions just as workers participate in labor unions. Only through their own organized self-defense can tenants prevent displacement, provide political education, build a base for legislation that empowers themselves and their organizations, and push for that legislation.

Our campaign has three key goals:

1. Provide political education about housing and tenants’ issues

2. Provide direct support for tenant organizing projects

3. Build a base for legislation that advances the interests of renters

Renters make up the majority population in Los Angeles, and together we can change the landscape of living and working in this county.

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