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HJC CalCare Planning Meeting


Please RSVP here to join us for our Healthcare Justice Committee CalCare Planning session! We're working with DSA-LA members for our single-payer [...]

Free Store Planning


The Mutual Aid Committee will be hosting a planning meeting for the new “Free Store” project that has been taken up by [...]

Eviction Support Training with LA Tenants Union

Robinson S.P.A.C.E. 104 Robinson St, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join DSA-LA in attending an eviction support training led by LA Tenants Union (LATU) attorneys. With the city’s covid eviction moratorium set [...]

Foodservice Labor Circle

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Across the country, foodservice workers are organizing in their workplaces and building worker power. If you work in a restaurant, bar, coffee [...]

Healthcare Justice Committee Meeting


Please RSVP here to join us for our February Healthcare Justice Committee meeting! We plan on discussing our work plan for the [...]

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