Hello comrade! If you clicked on this you’re very cool! Here are the RSVP links for the stuff we meant to call you about:

  • πŸš‡Β Join a rally to abolish fares on LA Metro, Thu. 7/27 @ 9am at the LA Metro Board meeting, DTLA πŸš‡
  • πŸŽ₯ Join striking Starbucks workers for a film screening this Weds, 7/26, 6pm in Eagle Rock πŸŽ₯
  • πŸ₯‚Save the Date for a chapter hangout/fundraiser for travel costs to the DSA nat’l convention, Sun, 7/30, 4-7pm, Elysian Park πŸ₯‚

Questions? Email steering[at]dsa-la.org with “phonebanks” in the subject header.

Your best friends,